Dr. Judy Mwangi holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Gender and Development Studies and a Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies from Kenyatta University. She is a lecturer, researcher, and consultant in the fields of gender, sociology, community development, and social work.
Dr. Judy has more than ten years of experience in teaching and administration at the university level. She has served as the Head of the Department of Social and Development Studies, and Registrar in Charge of Admissions at Mount Kenya University. Currently, she is serving as a school postgraduate coordinator as well as a lecturer in the School of Social Sciences. Over and above teaching Dr. Judy is a certified quality management systems auditor, a reviewer, and a member of the Institutional Ethical Review Committee. She is also a Trainer of Trainer (ToT) in university and tertiary institutions student and staff mentorship as well as a mentor.
Dr. Judy has published sixteen articles in international peer-reviewed journals, and she has attended and presented at various international and local conferences, seminars, and workshops. Dr. Judy has served on various academic and local committees and boards. In the community, Dr. Judy is an active member and serves as a secretary of the Salama Community Welfare Association. Additionally, she serves as the secretary of the Parish and Local Church Mothers Union Department in the Anglican Churches of Kenya, (ACK). Dr Judy is a proud wife and mother to two teenagers. She is a self-driven leader and a team player with a willingness to learn and explore new avenues.
Google Scholar Account: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=P4wJuUAAAAAJ&hl=en
ORCHID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7508-4937
- 2020: Doctor of Philosophy in Gender and Development Studies – Kenyatta University
Thesis title: Gendered access and control of land, dairy products, and their influence on household welfare in Murang’a County, Kenya
- 2015: Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies – Kenyatta University.
Thesis Title: Status of Men and Women’s saving in Informal Finance Groups in Gachagi Informal Settlement – Thika Sub-County, Kenya
- 2003: Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies-) – Moi University
- 20th June 2022- to date: Postgraduate Coordinator, Thika Campus- Mount Kenya University
- 1St October 2015- to date: Tutorial Fellow in the Department of Social and Development Studies – Mount Kenya University.
- Registrar Admissions (Grade 12)– Mount Kenya University
- 1st February 2015 -30th March 2015: Deputy Director Admissions and Registrations – Mount Kenya University
- 1st July 2011-31st January 2015: Head of Department – Social and Development Studies – Mount Kenya University
- 8th October 2010 –30th September 2015: Graduate Assistant-Department of Management – Mount Kenya University
- August 2008 – 8th October 2010: Part-time Teaching – Mount Kenya University
- June 2022- to date: Postgraduate Coordinator, Thika Campus in Mount Kenya University.
- Sept 2020- June 2022: Postgraduate Coordinator for the Department of Social and Development Studies – Mount Kenya University.
- 31st March 2015- 25th November 2019: Registrar Admissions– Mount Kenya University.
- 1st February 2015- 30th March 2015: Deputy Director of Admissions and Registrations – Mount Kenya University
- 16th June 2014- 31st January 2015: Head of Development – Department of Economics and Development Studies at Mount Kenya University
- 1st July 2011- 15th June 2014: Acting Head of Department– Department of Economics and Development Studies- Mount Kenya University.
- A full member of Africa Social Work Network (ASWnet) since Oct 2022
- A full member of Kenya Christian and Scientific Association-membership Number KCSA/16/0121
Successfully supervised five (5) students
Samuel Njagi Maina | Influence of Community Participation in The Conservation of Wetland Ecosystems: A Case of Ol-Bollosat Wetland in Nyandarua County, Kenya. | |
Eriaasafu Lubowa | Factors influencing Gender-Responsive Monitoring in Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case of Norwegian Church Aid – Ethiopia | |
Brenda Moraa Orumo | An Assessment of The Status of Climate-Smart Agriculture Project and its Influence on Households’ Livelihood: A Case Study of Masii Ward, Machakos County | |
Osuro John | Assessment Of Effects of Ethnic Conflict On Household Livelihood In Turkana East, Sub-County Kenya | |
Kimathi Isaiah Joseph | Assessment of the Influence of Management Committee on Participatory Monitoring Water Project in Mbeu Ward in Meru County, Kenya |
Sixteen (16) articles in international peer reviewed Journals
- Internal Factors Influencing Gender-Responsive Monitoring in Nongovernmental Organizations: A Case of Norwegian Church Aid – Ethiopia. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation Vol 13 | Issue 2 | June 2023, 64-76. http://ojs.kabarak.ac.ke/index.php/kjri/article/view/670
- https://ajernet.net ISSN 2709-2607
- . (2022). Influence of Gender Equality in the Management Committee on Community-Led Monitoring of Borehole Water Projects. African Journal of Empirical Research, 3(1), 115–127. https://doi.org/10.51867/ajernet3.1.9
- , Kimani EN, Masiga CO. (2020). The Influence of Gendered Access/ Control of Land and Dairy Products on Household Welfare in Murang’a County, Kenya. Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science Volume 7, Issue 2 – 2020, Pg. No. 20-26. http://www.thejournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-Humanities-SocialScience/article/view/70
- , Elishiba Kimani, Casper Masiga (June-July, 2020). The status of gendered access and control of land and dairy products and their influence on household welfare in Murang’a County. In the Addaiyan Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 2 Issue 6 June-July 2020. ISSN: 2581-8783 (Online)
- Elishiba Kimani, Casper Masiga (August, 2020). Strategies to Promote Equal Access and Control of Land and Dairy Products for Improved Household Welfare in Murang’a County, Kenya. In the International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS)Vol. 10 Issue 8, August- 2020 ISSN(o): 2249-7382 http://euroasiapub.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IJRESS5-Aug20-7719-1.pdf
- , Elishiba Kimani, Casper Masiga (July 2020). Perceptions of Men and Women on Gendered Access and Control of Land and Dairy Products in Murang’a County, Kenya. In the Global Scientific Journals Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2020, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
- (17th December 2019). Nature and causes of conflicts existing between and among women and Men Living in Informal Settlement Areas. A case of Kiandutu Informal Settlement in Kiambu County, Kenya. In the International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts & Science (IJARBAS) (ISSN 2664-7354) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3581349 Volume 1. Issue 4. December 2019. https://www.ijarbas.com/2019/12/17/nature-and-causes-of-conflicts-existing-between-and-among-women-and-men-living-in-informal-settlement-areas-a-case-of-kiandutu-informal-settlement-in-kiambu-county-kenya/
- andElishiba Kimani. (January 2015). Factors Influencing Participation of men and women in Informal Finance Groups in Gachagi Informal Settlement in Thika Sub-County, Kenya. In The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies. ISSN 2321-9203) Volume 3. Issue 1. January 2015. Factors Influencing Participation of Men and Women in Informal Finance Groups in Gachagi Informal Settlement in Thika Sub-County, Kenya | Mwangi | The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies (internationaljournalcorner.com).
- andElishiba Kimani. (January 2015). ChallengesExperienced by Men and Womenin Informal Finance Groups in Gachagi Informal Settlement in Thika Sub-County, Kenya.In International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. ISSN 2278. Volume 4. Issue 1. January 2015. (Online). http://www.ijird.com/index.php/ijird/article/view/57630/44981
- and Elishiba Kimani. (May 2015). Operations of Informal Finance Groups in Gachagi Informal Settlement in Thika Sub-County, Kenya. In International Journal of physical and social sciences. ISSN 2278. Volume 5. Issue 5. May 2015. (Online). http://www.ijmra.us/2015.ijpss-may.php.
- Reviewed University Common Unit: Academic Foundations and Career Development Interactive Module for Mount Kenya University E-Learning in Dec 2022
- Developed the Peace and Conflict Management Interactive Module for Mount Kenya University E-Learning in July 2022
- Modules writing for the Mount Kenya University-Virtual Varsity in June 2013. Developed the following modules: Gender and Development, Gender equity in Community Development, Legal aspects in Community Development, Introduction to Sociology Foundations of Cultural Development.
- Reviewed the following modules for Mount Kenya University-Virtual Varsity in 2013: Social stratification; Informal Organization and Capacity Building; Introduction to Development Studies
- 2023: A member of the team that won Erasmus+ Student & Staff Mobility with the University of SS. Cyril Methodius Faculty of Arts -Slovak & the Mount Kenya University School of Social Sciences worth 11M.
- 2021: Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Association (KBTA) & MKU on Accessibility to education for Visually Impaired Persons through the provision of Orbit reader 20. and related research areas by the KBTA and MKU Partnership.
- 2022: MKU VC Grant for undertaking research on Participatory Engagement of Communities and Innovative Social Activities in Implementation of Health Initiative in Nakuru County, Kenya.
- 2022: MKU VC grant to undertake research on Impact Assessment on Use of the Orbit Reader 20, a Digital Braille Assistive Device, on Inclusivity of Learners with Visual Impairment in Kenya: A pilot study
- A member of the committee developing the Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies Curriculum for Mount Kenya University, 2023.
- Spearheaded the review of curricula for Certificate and Diploma in Community Development and Social work for Mount Kenya University in 2014.
- Spearheaded the development of Bachelor and Master of Arts in Development studies curricula for Mount Kenya University in 2012.
- Spearheaded the development of Master of Arts and Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation curricula for Mount Kenya University in 2013
- Spearheaded the development of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Bachelor of Arts in Community Development curricula of Mount Kenya University in 2014.
- Appointed member of the Department of Social and Development Curriculum Review and development- Mount Kenya University in 2018.
- Participated as a member of Institutional Scientific Ethical Review Committee with the sole mandate of promoting adherence to ethical requirement and quality research output in the university.
- Participated as a facilitator in an Online Postgraduate student’s research advisory seminars held 27th March 2023 to 14th April 2023: Topic facilitated “Research Project Writing.”
- By ensuring commitment to the achievement of the University professional excellence as a trained Quality Management System (QMS) Auditor
- Participating in the development and implementation of new programmes for the School of Social sciences of Mount Kenya University
- Ensuring effective and quality teaching
- QMS and ISO Auditor based on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 19011:2011 guidelines.
- Ensuring achievements of university mission and vision in line with Quality Management Systems based on ISO 9001/2015
- Being a member and secretariat of various standing and the ad-hoc committees of Mount Kenya University
- Student mentorship and academic advisory.
- Participated in the development of Mount Kenya University policies key among them Student Academic Advisory Policy and Admission Capacity Policy
- Participated as a member of the Stakeholders Committee Meeting for the development of the Bachelor of Arts General Curriculum for Kirinyaga University on 9th Dec 2022
- 30th Aug-31st Aug 2023: Acted as a lead trainer for the mentors training for the Masai Mara University held at the Masai Mara University Conference Hall. Covered the topics Regulatory framework: Setting the Boundaries for Mentorship Programme in a University
- 26th Feb – 7th May 2023: Invited as a facilitator of the identity transistor course for the form four leavers in ACK Salama Parish. Covered the topic: “Career choice and University and college Placement.”
- 17th Aug – 18th Aug 2021: Acted as a lead trainer for the mentors training for the Masai Mara University held at the Masai Mara University Conference Hall. Covered the topics Regulatory framework: Setting the Boundaries for Mentorship Programme in a University.
- Participated as a facilitator in the identity transistor course for the form four leavers in ACK Salama Parish held between 26th Feb-7th May 2023.
- Elected as the Salama Parish Mothers Union Secretary from Sept 2022
- Elected as the Ebenezer ACK Church Mothers Union Secretary from Sept 2022
- Elected as the Assistant Secretary of Salama Family Welfare from Sept 2021
- I am a Member of the Ebenezer ACK Church Sunday School Committee and I also teach Sunday school.
- Participated as a supervisor with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics in the 2009 population and Housing census.
- Participated as a Deputy Presiding Officer with the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) in the Kigumo Constituency During the 2007 General Election.
- Participated as a Deputy Presiding Officer with the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) in Kigumo Constituency during the 2005 Referendum.
- Participated as a Polling Clerk with the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) in Kigumo Constituency during the 2005 General Election.
- Served as a chair of session during the International Interdisciplinary Conference whose theme is “Post-Colonial Africa: Historical and Contemporary Realities” Organized by Kenyatta University, Department of History, Archaeology and Political Studies held on May 10th to 12th 2023 at the International Language and Culture Centre (Confucius Institute) at Main Campus in Nairobi.
- Served as a rapporteur in the 8th International Interdisciplinary and Inter Universities Consortium-Africa Research Conference (8IIIUC-A 2023) held on 29th -31st March 2023 at the Mwai Kibaki Convention Centre, MKU-Thika.
- Participated as an abstract reviewer for the 8th International Interdisciplinary and Inter Universities Consortium-Africa Research Conference (8IIIUC-A 2023) held on 29th -31st March 2023 at the Mwai Kibaki Convention Centre, MKU-Thika.
- Served as chair of session during the 2nd International Conference of Peace, Security and Social Enterprise held on 18th – 20th May 2022 at the Mwai Kibaki Convention Centre, MKU-Thika.
- Involved as an abstract reviewer for the 2nd International Conference on Peace, Security and Social Enterprise held on 18th -20th May 2022 at Mwai Kibaki Convention Centre-Mount Kenya University, Thika.
- Being a member of the ICABUMPA 2011 conference organizing team held on 20-21st April 2011 at the KICC, Nairobi- Kenya.
s/n | Name | TOPIC | Organizer | Venue | Date |
2nd International Peace Conference on peace, security, and Social Enterprise | Gender dynamics in Conflict Resolution in Informal Settlement Areas: A case of Kiandutu Informal Settlement | Mount Kenya University | Mwai Kibaki Convention Centre | 18th -20th May 2022 | |
40th Postgraduate Seminar for the Dissemination of Ph.D. research Findings | Gendered access and control of land, dairy products, and their influence on household welfare in Murang’a County, Kenya | Kenyatta University- Graduate School: | Online Via Zoom Meeting | 1st Dec 2020 | |
Presentation of Ph.D. preliminary findings | Gendered access and control of land, dairy products, and their influence on household welfare in Murang’a County, Kenya | Kenyatta University –Department of Sociology, Gender and Development studies | Student Business Centre-BSSC 255 | 26th Sept 2019 | |
The 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference (4iic 2017) | Factors Influencing Participation of men and women in Informal Finance Groups in Gachagi Informal Settlement in Thika Sub-County, Kenya. | The 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference (4iic 2017) Organizing Committee, | Kyambogo University NPT Conference Venue- Uganda | 1st to 4th August 2017. | |
30th Postgraduate Seminar-school of Humanities and Social Sciences | Status of Men and Women’s saving in Informal Finance Groups in Gachagi Informal Settlement – Thika Sub-County, Kenya | Kenyatta University Graduate School | Kenyatta University Graduate school building Seminar Room 2 | Wednesday 25th June 2015 |