,, 0722566721

Dr. Serah holds a PhD in Environmental Studies and Community Development and Masters in Environmental Studies and Community Development from Kenyatta University. She serves as the Coordinator Persons with disability at MKU since 2017 and Dean, School of Social Sciences. She is an Expert in Beyond the Limit Programme TV-47 (Sensitizes society on disability). She has more than 10 years in teaching and research at the University level. Serah has worked as a research assistant in funded projects and was a project coordinator in Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)-Kenyatta University project before joining Mount Kenya university as lecturer. She has experience in writing project reports and disseminating research findings through conference presentations and scientific publications in peer reviewed journals. Other than being a lecturer Dr. Kimaru is also involved in training youths on entrepreneurial skills for self-sustenance. Dr. Serah also offers mentorship and career advisory talks to students in tertiary institutions, secondary and primary schools.
2017 Kenyatta University
PhD -Environmental Studies and Community Development
2008-2011 Kenyatta University
Masters in Environmental Studies and Community Development
1993-1996 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)
Course: Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
2004-2005 Kenyatta University
Post Graduate Diploma in Education (P.G.D.E)
1988-1991 Kenya High School
1979-1987 Githunguri Primary School (KCPE A-)
2013 September to Date
Lecturer – Mount Kenya University
Lecturer-Teaching students the following units; Community Development, Development Ethics, Research methods, Gender and development, Social Statistics, Conflict Resolution and Management, Development administration, Stakeholder Analysis, Environment Management, Leadership and Development, Project planning Development and Management,
- August 2020 to date: Ag. Dean, School of Social Sciences
- 2017 Jan -August 2020: Head of Department Social and Development Studies
- 2013 -2016: Examination Coordinator-Overseeing organization and administration of examination in the department
- 2017 to date- Coordinator Persons with disability
- 2013-April 2015: Career advisory –Organizing career talks for students in the department of social and development studies
- April 2013 to 2015: Mentorship Coordinator-Mentoring students as well as organizing mentorship talks for the department of social and Development studies
- Coordinator – MKU students with special needs
- Patron – Peace Ambassadors Kenya MKU Chapter
Graduated Students
- Majau Evans Mucui- Evaluation of Stakeholders’ influence on the Success of Government Financed Projects: A Case of Yatta Canal Water Project in Yatta Sub-County, Kenya
- Abdi Issack Hajir-Effects of Drought on the Socio-Economic Activities of Pastoralist Communities in Chewele Ward, Tana North Sub-County, Kenya
- Omar Daudi Khalid–Effects of Conflict Resolution Approaches on Household Economy in Wajir East Sub-County, Wajir County, Kenya
- Atemo Dishon Opulu- Effects of Monitoring and Evaluation on Implementation of Infrastructural Projects Funded by Vihiga County Government, Kenya;
- Omanwa, E. B.- Effects of post-implementation community participation on sustainability of borehole water projects in Embu county, Kenya.
- Kyengo, R.- Assessing The Effect of Community Service Orders Programme on Socio-Economic Development in Kibera Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya.
- Akwalu, J. N- Constituency Development Fund (Cdf) and its Effects on Community Welfare In Tigania East Constituency, Meru County Kenya.
- Were, Philip Onyango-“Evaluation of Self-Help Groups in Promoting Women Socio-Economic Empowerment in Kibra Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya,” Journal of Global Awareness:
- Kimaru-Muchai, Serah w. (2021) “Stakeholder Involvement in Upscaling of Soil Fertility Research Output in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya,” Journal of Global Awareness: Vol. 2 : No. 2 , Article 6. DOI: Available at:
- Muchai, S. W., Ngetich, F. K., Mucheru-Muna, M. W., & Baaru, M. (2021). Zai pits for heightened sorghum production in drier parts of Upper Eastern Kenya. Heliyon, e08005.
- Kimaru-Muchai, S. W., Ngetich, F. K., Baaru, M., & Mucheru-Muna, M. W. (2020). Adoption and utilisation of Zai pits for improved farm productivity in drier upper Eastern Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS), 121(1), 13-22.
- Kimaru-Muchai, S., Mucheru-Muna, P.M., & Mugwe, J. (2020). Accessibility and Reliability of Information Sources in Dissemination of Soil Fertility Management in Eastern Kenya. Developing Country Studies, 10, 29-37.
- Atemo Dishon Opulu, Dr. Serah Kimaru- Muchai (2021); Effects of Monitoring and Evaluation on Implementation of Infrastructural Projects Funded by Vihiga County Government, Kenya; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 11(4) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI:
- Omanwa, E. B., & Muchai, S. K. (2021). Effects of post-implementation community participation on sustainability of borehole water projects in Embu county, Kenya. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 5(2), 27 – 51.
- Kyengo, R., & Kimaru, S. (2021). Assessing The Effect of Community Service Orders Programme on Socio-Economic Development in Kibera Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of International Business, Innovation and Strategic Management, 5(1), 1 – 18. Retrieved from
- Akwalu, J. N., & Muchai , S. (2020). Constituency Development Fund (Cdf) and its Effects on Community Welfare In Tigania East Constituency, Meru County Kenya. Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 5(1), 12 – 35.
- Were, Philip Onyango and Kimaru-Muchai, Sarah Wairimu (2021) “Evaluation of Self-Help Groups in Promoting Women Socio-Economic Empowerment in Kibra Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya,” Journal of Global Awareness: Vol. 2 : No. 1 , Article 6. Available at:
- Kimaru-Muchai, S. W., Mugwe, J. N., Mucheru-Muna, M., Mairura, F. S., & Mugendi, D. N. (2012). Influence of education levels on dissemination of soil fertility management information in the central highlands of Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS), 113(2), 89-99.
- Kimaru-Muchai, S., Mucheru-Muna, P.M., Mugwe, J., Mairura, F., & Mugendi, D. (2013). Gender Disparities in Uptake of Information on Soil Fertility Management in the Central Highlands of Kenya.
- Kimaru, W. S. (2011). Enhancing communication for effective dissemination of soil fertility management in the Central Highlands of Kenya. School of environmental studies, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Kimaru-Muchai, S., Mucheru-Muna, M., Mugwe, J., Mugendi, D., Mairura, F., Tsobeng, A., & Tchoundjue, Z. (2013). Communication channels used in dissemination of soil fertility management practices in the central highlands of Kenya. Agro-Ecological Intensification of Agricultural Systems in the African Highlands, 283-307.
- Vanlauwe, B., van Asten, P., & Blomme, G. (2013). Communication channels used in dissemination of soil fertility management practices in the central highlands of Kenya SW KIMARU-MUCHAI, MW MUCHERU-MUNA, JN MUGWE. In Agro-Ecological Intensification of Agricultural Systems in the African Highlands (pp. 301-311). Routledge.
- Muchai, S. W., Muna, M. W., Mugwe, J. N., Mugendi, D. N., & Mairura, F. S. (2014). Client focused extension approach for disseminating soil fertility management in central Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2(2), 129-136.
- Mugwe, J. N., Mairura, F., Kimaru, S. W., Mucheru-Muna, M., Mugendi, D. N., Books, R. U. F. O. R. U. M., … & Tenders, R. U. F. O. R. U. M. (2012, September). Determinants of adoption and utilisation of integrated soil fertility management by small holders in Central Kenya. In Third RUFORUM Biennial Meeting (pp. 24-28).
- Interactive effects of Zai pits and soil fertility amendments on soil properties in drier upper Eastern Kenya –in Press
- Kimaru-Muchai S.W., Mucheru-Muna M., Mugwe J.M., Mairura F.S and MugendiD.N. (2013) Communication channels used in dissemination of soil fertility management practices in the Central Highlands of Kenya. In: Bernard Vanlauwe, Piet van Asten, Guy Blomme (Eds) Agro-Ecological Intensification of Agricultural Systems in the African Highlands. (Routledge, 3 Dec 2013; ISBN-10: 0415532736, ISBN-13: 978-0415532730), pp 281-290
- Kimaru-Muchai S, Mugwe JN, Mugendi DN and Mucheru-Muna MW (2012). Mother Baby Methodology In: Mugendi DN, Mucheru-Muna MW and Mugwe JN (Eds.) 2nd Revised Edition (2012). Soil Fertility: Enhancing Community Extension. Manilla Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya. (ISBN 9966-9821-1-6) pgs 129-138.
- Kimaru-Muchai S.W., Ngetich, K. Felix Mary Baaru and Monicah W. M. Muna
Motivation driven adoption of soil water conservation (SWC) Practices among smallholder Farmers in semi-arid areas of Eastern Kenya International Conference on Advances in Agricultural & Food Sciences to Face the Challenges to Environment and Biosecurity School of Agricultural Sciences, Sharda University, Knowledge Park 3, Greater Noida, India16–20 JANUARY, 2021
- Kimaru-Muchai S.W., Ngetich, K. Felix Mary Baaru and Monicah W. M. Muna “Evaluation of sorghum production under zai pit system in semi -arid areas of Kenya” 2nd Annual Conference at Machakos University held on 24th-26th April 2019
- Kimaru-Muchai S.W., Monicah W.M. Muna, and Jane N. Mugwe, Preference of Mother Language in Dissemination of Soil Fertility Technologies in the Central Highlands of Kenya –1ST International Mother Language Day (IMLD) Conference at Kitui Campus –Kenyatta University held on 20th-22nd February 2019
- Kimaru-Muchai S.W., Baaru M, Mucheru-Muna M., and Ngetich, F. (2014) Adoption andUtilization of Zai pits for Farm productivity inTharaka Nithi County Kenya 1st International Research Conference at Chuka University (Kenya) held on 29th – 31st October 2014
- Kimaru-Muchai S.W., Jayne Mugwe and Eric Bett (Kenyatta University) (2012) Soybean Value Chain in Central Kenya: Enhancing Productivity and Market Development of Soybeans and Climbing Beans in Central Highlands Kenya (SoCo SHP 022 Project) “Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Africa: From Microbes to Markets”, 22-26 October 2012 in Safari Park, Nairobi, Kenya
- Kimaru-Muchai SW, Mucheru-Muna M, Mugwe JN, Mairura FS and MugendiDN (2011) Communication channels used in dissemination of soil fertility management practices in the Central Highlands of Kenya. CIALCA Conference on Agricultural Intensification of the African Humid Highlands held on 24th -27th October 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda
- Kimaru-Muchai SW, Mucheru-Muna MW, Mugwe JN, Mairura F, Kimemia J and MugendiDN (2011) Gender disparities in uptake of information on soil fertility management in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Paper presented at Safari park Kenya in Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA) regional workshop. 24th to 26th January, 2011
- Kimaru-Muchai SW, Mucheru-Muna MW, Mugwe JN, Mairura F, Kimemia J and MugendiDN (2011) Extension system analysis in dissemination of soil fertility technologies in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Paper presented at Safaripark Kenya in Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA) regional workshop. 24th to 26th January, 2011.
- Kimaru Muchai SW, Mucheru-Muna MW, Mugwe JN, Mairura F, Kimemia J and MugendiDN (2011) Enhancing communication for effective up-scaling of soil fertility technologies in central Kenya. Paper presented at Safaripark Kenya in Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA) regional workshop. 24th to 26th January, 2011.
- Kimaru-Muchai SW, Mucheru-Muna MW, Mugwe JN, Kimemia J, MugendiDN and Macharia JM (2011) The effect of education levels in dissemination of soil fertility management practices in the central highlands of Kenya. Paper presented during the Kenyatta University International Conference 20-22nd July 2011
- Kimaru-Muchai S.W., Mucheru-Muna M., Mugwe J.M., Mairura F.S and MugendiD.N. (2011) Factors that influence reliability of information sources on soil fertility management practices in the Central Highlands of Kenya. The sixth JKUAT scientific, technological and industrialization conference held on 16th -18th November 2011 in JKUAT Main Campus Juja Nairobi, Kenya.
1.Erasmus Plus grant in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University (NTU), and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
2.Awarded PhD Research Grant of KSh 1, 055,000.00 by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ref No. NACOSTI/RCD/ST&I 5th CALL PhD/082 to facilitate my PhD research entitled ‘’Effects of Water Harvesting Techniques on Agricultural Production in the Low Midland Zones of Tharaka Nthi County
Other professional Experiences
2012 May up to 2013 September
Project Coordinator Kenyatta University Project on Enhancing Productivity and Market Development of Soybeans and Climbing Beans in Central Kenya- Alliance for Green Revolution Africa (AGRA) Project (SHP 022)
2011 January to December- Research assistant
Accelerated Uptake and Utilization of Soil Fertility Management Best Bets Practices in Eastern and Central Africa for Association of Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA) project